“Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature.” Mark 16:15

In 2017, after moving to Alectown, NSW, to serve another ministry, we felt strongly to do a Christmas street outreach in the nearest large town, Parkes.
Whilst there are a few ministries that do street outreaches and open-air preaching in Australia, we felt to do this a little differently to the normal type of outreach.
Many years ago, Ray Comfort, the founder of Living Waters ministry, and a veteran of street evangelism, commented that he witnessed as he did because it was what he could do. He went on to say, if he could sing, he would use singing as a means of spreading the Gospel.
This really challenged us, as Leah CAN sing. An experienced singer, she has used her gifts (since being saved) for the Glory of God, in church leading worship, and in Christian musicals or invited guest spots, such as Carols. However, she had never sung 'down the street' so to speak.
So began our journey of Street Outreach. Three weeks before Christmas, 2017, we set up outside the Westpac Bank in Parkes, with the help of borrowed sound equipment from Vision Ministries (whom we were serving at the time) and support from our ministry friends, Kevin and Dee Mudford, we set out to share the Gospel with the community of Parkes, in song, with tracts and other Bible literature and in one-on-one conversations with those who stopped to talk.
These 3 weeks were so fruitful, that we extended it to a weekly outreach, throughout 2018, and into 2019. Unfortunately, COVID halted our efforts through 2020 to early 2022.
However, as soon as we are able it is our aim to be back out there. And not just in Parkes. We realised that this type of format (Gospel singing, Tract Evangelism and One-on-one witnessing) could be done anywhere. So it is our heart's desire to 'GO' further afield, into the the towns and villages in the nation, wherever our Lord sends us.
We have said, "Here we are Lord. Send us."

The following websites have some great resources in tracts, books, DVDs and other evangelistic materials