Today we had our first street outreach in Parkes, NSW.
We were down the main street in a great position. Traffic was a little slow to start with, but it picked up through the day. I sang 3 sets of songs. Thank you to everyone who prayed. By God's grace I was able to sing the whole time, although I my voice was decidedly tired afterwards. Kevin Mudford shared his testimony a couple of times. Whilst we didn't have a crowd gather around us, we did notice there were people listening on the fringe. So praise God!
We handed out around 100 tracts and some other literature. A young man name Daniel helped hand out tracts. It was his first time doing any kind of outreach, so he was quite nervous to begin with, but after a while he said 'I didn't realise it would be this easy'. Lol. Fear of man is probably the greatest hindrance to the church evangelising. Daniel swallowed his fear and stepped out of his comfort zone. God bless him. We pray the Lord would thrust forth more labourers into the harvest field, because as we saw today, the fields are white unto harvest. Our 3 children were also handing out tracts and talking to people. Even our 5 year old was excitedly handing out tracts.
It was his first time doing any kind of outreach, so he was quite nervous to begin with, but after a while he said 'I didn't realise it would be this easy'.
One guy came by a couple of times and was given one of our Christmas tracts. He came back later and asked if he could take a Bible. Praise God. We also had some really great divine appointments. One lady was talking to Dee just as I finished singing and we were starting to pack up. Dee needed to go, so I went and spoke with her while Tim packed up. Praise God for a wonderful husband . What a divine appointment. This lady believed in God, but figured she was good enough to go to heaven. After all, she hadn't done anything real bad, at least for awhile and she always said sorry afterwards. I used a courtroom analogy to explain that being sorry is good, but doesn't pay for our crime/sin. Even in civil court our crimes have to be punished, no matter how sorry we are. I then shared with her about the law and its purpose. She could see that despite her best efforts she had broken God's law many times and got to see her desperate state before God. But then as I explained to her about what Jesus had done on the cross and why, and shared the Gospel of Grace with her, I could see her eyes were opened. I explained about repentance and faith and being a new creation in Christ, sharing with her my own testimony and challenged her to get right with God. Please pray for her salvation.
So overall, the Lord's hand was upon the day and did more than we asked or imagined. Glory to God. Pray that the Lord would continue to grow this each week. SDG